How to: Make a Microwavable Lavender Heat Pad
As a big fan of self care and as someone who often has leg pain, this is a project I’ve loved making as gifts for others and for myself.
And the best thing is, it’s really quick and easy to make!
Instructions are below for the size and shape I’ve made, however you can obviously adapt this to suit your own preferences.
Couple of quick points before you get started:
For this size of heating pad I microwaved it for 1.5 minutes however you will need to check it out in your own microwave yourself
You really don’t need much lavender so don’t be tempted to add lots more straight away. If you really want to add some more I’d suggest heating the bag in the microwave before you complete the final stitches to test it out. It’ll be much easier to add more than to take it out after and it can be really overpowering if you aren’t careful.
Okay, on with our guide::
What you’ll need:
Two pieces of fabric approximately 8”x10” (I used half of a fat quarter cut in two, 9”x11”)
Dried lavender
Sewing machine
Pins, scissors, needle and thread
Quick - under 30 mins
Skill Level
Basic sewing machine skills
Instructions - How to make a microwavable lavender heat pad

Step 1
Cut out the two pieces of fabric to the size you require. I used half of a fat quarter cut into two 9”x11” pieces
Step 2
Pin the two pieces together, right sides facing.
Step 3
Sew around the outside of the pad, leaving a gap wide enough for you to turn it inside out.
Step 4
Trip the corners then turn it inside out! (This should now be the correct way round with the right side outside). This is also a good time to give it a press if needed.
Step 5
Sew two lines down the middle of the pad. This will help make sure all the rice and lavender doesn’t all go to one corner. Be sure not to sew right to the ends
Step 6
It’s now time to fill the pad up! You want to make sure you don’t over fill it so that the heat pad can be shaped around your neck/leg/back etc. Use your best judgement. The mix of rice and lavender is 1 cup of rice to 1 tsp of lavender. Using a funnel to aim the rice and lavender into the different sections of the pad will help. I used around two and a half cups of rice.
Step 7
Close up the gap you used for the funnel. You can just stitch straight over this, however an easy and effective method is to use the invisible ladder stitch and it really makes all the difference to the finished project.
And that’s it. Ta-dah! You’ve made yourself a lovely lavender heat pad, so it’s time to pop it in the microwave then sit back and relax.
Challenge completed!!!
A gallery of completed craft projects from the Happy Barnet Craft Challenge 2022.